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Kamers Brasil Importação e Exportação Ltda

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2015



About Us

In order to develop solutions appropriate time and to the profile of each of our clients, Kamers Brazil, seeking a reduction in cost, time, greater agility and provide facilities to the customer in relation to routine procedures for importaoe exportao, aiming to provide them satisfaction in transaes of foreign trade.

BussinThrough qualified employees and provide advice Updated:

- Importaoe Exportao

- Customs Desembarao

- International Shipping

- International Insurance

- Importao on behalf of third parties

- On demand Importao

- Supplier Development

- Market Research

- Feasibility analysis

- Requests Registered Importer / Exporter (RADAR)

- Drawback Drawback Importaoe Green-Yellow

- We have branch offices abroad.

I insist that the realization of their processes through Kamers Brazil, be given full assistance in all phases of their exportao or importao.

The Kamers Brazil (Itajá-SC) has a Special Regime for Importao. This special scheme called importao on behalf brings a significant reduction of the GST paid on liberao cargo imported by companies that operate through our company.



More about
Kamers Brasil Importação e Exportação Ltda

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10M - 50M

Sales volume (USD)

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% Export sales




Business type
  • Industry / Manufacturer
  • Importer / Trading Company
  • Buying Office
  • Distributor / Wholesaler
  • Business Service

  • seeking reduction in cost
  • time
  • greater agility
  • provide facilities to customer

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Marco ********
  • icone de telefone +55 47********
  • map-marker Itajaí / SC | Brazil

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