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Hair Products - Sansez Hair

Active Offer Since: 24/07/2019

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Hair Products - Sansez Hair


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Hello, how are you? Your international Wander Trader from Sansez Hair. I am offering products for hair loss treatment. Through an innovative way, these products are effective...

Hello, how are you? Your international Wander Trader from Sansez Hair. I am offering products for hair loss treatment. Through an innovative way, these products are effective in the treatment against hair loss and the birth of new hairs. 5 products + Kit available for the market: Hair tonic: the capillary fall stops, gives volume, grows new threads, nourishes and gives strength to the threads. Capillary supplement: product composed of Biotin (vitamin H or B7), which helps the production of keratin hair hairs and the nail. Shampoo: formulation developed especially to benefit the health of the threads/hair. Serum: Instantly disguises the appearance of fine lines, dark circles, and wrinkles leaving you looking younger. Tonic beard: composed of Minoxidil, which helps revitalize the hair root, normalize the cycle of the follicle prolonging the anagen phase or growth. Kit: 1 Hair Tonic, 1 Hair supplement and 1 Shampoo Our products have testimonials of clinical efficacy efficiency of hair with dermatological study, stability, and microbiological acceptability. • Minimum purchase order: USD 1,000.00 If you want more information about our products, please visit our site: https://www.sansez.com.br/us/ (prices indicated on the site are for retail sale). Best regards

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