tip of iceberg Brazil is definitely on the agronogocio map in the world. Internally it is in a growing that meets market demand and still exports a large part of the production. This economy is heated by the value of gross domestic product (GDP) which is always possible when the motto is agro. This makes Brazil one of the world's major food producers and with the potential to be still Greater. The explanation of success occurs by the amount of water available, area for planting and investment technology. Thus, agribusiness has been driven to develop crops with more Efficiency. Thus, it is in this scenario that emerges, founded in 2006, comes to add in qualifying with the supply of inputs, grains, among other products in the commodity system. With customer validation, transparency and attractive and competitive prices, the agro product line of company provides soybeans, corn, milheto, sorgo, cotton lump, cotton pie, plaster and fruit directly from the rural producer and associates. Credibility With the proposal to serve customers always in high performance, ensuring quality and provenance inputs and products, has developed a wide distribution network with cost reduction. It also implemented the service throughout Brazil, with assured delivery and prices suitable for the competitive market, which leads to credibility and confidence in the business.