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Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2012



About Us

Founded in 1972 by entrepreneur brothers Anderson and Jefferson Birman, Arezzo is the largest retail brand of womens fashion footwear in Latin America, encompassing concept, high quality and contemporary design.

Today, the franchise chain has 280 Arezzo stores distributed in more than 90 cities and present in all Brazilian states, with R$ 395 million in net revenue and almost seven million of products sold - including shoes, handbags and accessories - and 1 million registered customers according to data of the last nine months, ended September 2010.

On international soil, Arezzo currently accounts for seven stores in the following countries: Bolivia, Paraguay, Portugal and Venezuela.

The brand consolidation in the domestic market can also be observed for its history of awards: Anderson Birman as Business Leader (Leadership Forum Award), 1000 Largest Companies listed by the newspaper Valor Economico (Especial Valor 1000); three times the Best Franchise in Brazil (Small Companies & Great Business Magazine) and Visa Alshop Award, also receiving the Hors Concours Award vote by the consumer.



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Business type

  • arezzo
  • footwear
  • bags
  • acessories
  • shoes
  • handbags
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Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Marcio ********
  • icone de telefone +55 51********
  • map-marker CAMPO BOM / RS | Brazil

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