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Euro Feiras De Negócios

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Since 2008



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MARKT EVENTS organizes and conducts fairs in Joinville targeting highly qualified segments.

Specializing in fairs targeting highly qualified segments, Markt Events - Feiras de Negócios (i.e., Business Fairs), was born of the vision of the market by its partners, with extensive experience in organizing and carrying out large-scale events.

According to Walter Khairalla, a partner, Markt Events is fair to the exhibitor and the visitor. The company organizes events in short periods, is flexible and receives qualified public. The result is to upgrade technology, training, achievement of business for exhibitors and collection of fees. Joinville is the third largest industrial center in the Southern region of Brazil. This kind of fair stimulates the merchandising potential of the city, in addition to promoting business tourism and attracting new businesses to the region.

The success of market events occurs objectively, promoting business generation and ensuring the return in the short term for its exhibitors.

Genuinely Joinville, the Markt Events - Business Fair, has experienced professionals and focus toward the needs of the market, developing research, strategies, marketing and professionalism to achieve the goals with full success for all involved in the process.

About Joinville:
Joinville is highlighted by economic development and an entrepreneur profile. The largest city in the state of Santa Catarina is the third pole of the industrial southern region of Brazil, with volume of revenues generated from the public coffers to Curitiba, in Parana and Porto Alegre in Rio Grande do Sul.

With an industrial park of 1.9 thousand industries, Joinville has one of the PIBs (i.e., gross domestic product) per capita highest in the country, reaching US$8,456 per year. The industrial sector accounts for 64\% of the GDP of the city, generating an annual turnover in the house of US$14 billion.



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Euro Feiras De Negócios

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Business type

  • trade business fairs

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Cristiane ********
  • icone de telefone +55 47********
  • map-marker Joinville / SC | Brazil

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