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Grupo Aporte Empresarial

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2019



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About Us

Grupo Aporte works with the intermediation between business and investor funds in raising financial funds for the company's growth, expansion or restructuring. We are located in the city of Taubaté - SP serving the entire Paraíba Valley and north coast of SP, South MG and South RJ, besides having several partners with accounting, advocacy and consulting offices throughout Brazil. Our portfolio consists of companies of all segments and sizes. We have partnerships with more than 50 investment funds (FIDCs, Securitizers, Fintechs and Wholesale and Foreign Banks) in the most diverse areas. We work with anticipation of receivables, working capital, structured credit, real state, private equity, agribusiness and infrastructure. They are small to large funds that have resources to invest in your company. We do Federal (IRPJ, CSLL, PIS, COFINS, IPI and INSS) and State (ICMS) Tax Reviews for your company at zero cost. Generating credit for paying open or winning taxes. We always try to develop new partnerships with the funds, in order to serve your company in the best possible way, with all the transparency, trust and credibility that Aporte and its partner have. Here are some operation we do. * Capital Turnover * * Anticipation of Receivables and Contracts * * Credit with Real Estate Guarantee * * Investment of New Real Estate Developments * * Capital Survey for Start, In Progress and Final Work * * Capital Survey through Real Estate Inventory * * Federal and State Tax Reviews * * Businessman Plan *

Main Markets

  • South America



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Grupo Aporte Empresarial

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200K - 500K

Sales volume (USD)

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Not informed




Business type
  • Business Service
  • Other
  • Buying Office

  • finance me
  • credit
  • emprestim

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Franklin ********
  • icone de telefone +55 35********
  • map-marker Taubaté / SP | Brazil

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