Maquira manufactures and markets dental products along the following product lines:<br><br>Acids: Acid Cond. Gel 37\% ; Acid Cond. Porcelain 10\% <br><br> Arch: Ostby Arch <br><br> Aspirators: Dispos. Surgical Aspirator ; Surg. Aspir. With Bone Trap <br><br> Endodontics - Medicaments: 2\% Clorhexidine Gel ; 2\% Clorhexidine Solution ; Eucalyptol 10 Ml ; Formocresol 10 Ml ; Orange Oil 10 Ml ; Tricresol Formalina 10 Ml <br><br> Endodontics - Several: Clean-Stand ; Cold Ice Spray ; Endo-Ice Spray ; Millimetered Endo Ruler ; Rubber Dam Sheet <br><br> Film Holder: Film Holder Cone Autoclavable ; Film Holder Cone Chemical Sterilization <br><br> Hemostatic: Hemopare Clear Gel ; Hemopare Clear Solution 10ml ; Hemopare Red Solution 10 Ml <br><br> Impression Trays: Disposable Wax Trays ; Impression Trays <br><br> Lubricants: Maqspray 100 Ml ; Maquira Spray 200 Ml <br><br> Orthodontics: Elastic Retainer Box ; Gas To Refill Torch ; Orthodontic Wax ; Scented Retainer Box <br><br> Precision Applicator: Precision Applicator Kit ; Precision Replacement <br><br> Prevention: Ancarie - Cariostatic ; Floss Threader ; Fluoride Foam ; Fluoride Gel ; Visuplac Solution 10ml ; Visuplac Tablets <br><br> Prophylaxis: Pumice Paste ; Pumice Stone ; Sodium Bicarbonate <br><br> Retractors: Expandex Lip Retractor ; Flex Retractor ; Lateral Cheek Retractor In U ; Lateral Cheek Retractor In V <br><br> Several: Aluminium Bur Block ; Amalgam Carrier ; Bur Organizer ; Caliper Ruler ; Elastomer Injector ; Glass Dappen Pot ; Magnifying Glass ; Paper Super Carbon ; Paper Super Carbon Arcade ; Paper Super Carbon Basic ; Plastic Dappen Pot ; Plastic Spatula ; Polyester Strip ; Rubber Bowl ; Stainless Steel Matrix Bands ; Tongue Cleaner ; X-Ray Film Holder <br><br> Temporary Filling: ; <br>
- Dental Products
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Business type
- odontological dental teeth dentistry
Contact and location
Douglas ********
+55 44********
MARINGA / PA | Brazil