Through the Corporate Travel Program, your company will automatically receive the benefits of the program of preferential tariffs and rates through Maringá Tourism - Radius, which provide discounts of up to 75\% on lodging and 40\% in car rental, and the programs up-grades.<br><br>Our services include:<br>• Development and Implementation Program Management Corporate Travel.<br>• Adjustment and Control of Travel Policy.<br>• Program Development Cost Reduction.<br>• Strategic Planning for Implementation of Benefits (Special Discounts, Events, Incentive Travel, Leisure).<br>• Improvement of Time for Payment of Services (up to 43 days for payments).<br>• Measuring Results.<br><br>Methods of Administration and Management: Our work provides all the structuring and identification of management programs appropriate to the profile and the turnover of your companys corporate travel.<br><br>Method of Administration<br>• Management Fee.<br>• Flat Fee service.<br>• Transaction Fee.<br>• Service Cost.<br>• Success fee (pegged to the other modality).
- travel corporate hotels rental car airfares
More about
Maringa Turismo
Sales volume (USD)
Not informed
Business type
- corporate leisure events travel agency packages tourism hotels airplanes airlines buses rental rent cars private
Contact and location
sergio ********
+55 11********
Barueri / SP | Brazil