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.. :: Meditron :: ..

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2009



About Us

Meditron Eletromedicina Ltda. started its activities in the manufacture of medical equipment, specifically the electroencephalograph and stimulators. The course of the first five years their products were the national preference.

From the beginning, Meditron invested significant human and financial resources in the production of quality equipment, attested today in the quality and longevity of their products.

The company is constantly improving its processes and procedures ministering continuous training to their employees.

Conscious of its leadership in the Latin American market and its focus on leading the research, Meditron strengthened alliances with universities and recognized research centers, (Institute of Sleep, UNIFESP, Cepid, Studies of Sleep).

Meditron designs for the future in a calm and confident manner, aware of its commitment to the medical profession, which it owes so much to. Without ever forgetting the meaning of their work, the company works for the benefit of patients.



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.. :: Meditron :: ..

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Business type

  • medical equipment electroencephalograph stimulators

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Jorge ********
  • icone de telefone +55 11********
  • map-marker São Paulo / SP | Brazil

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