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Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2016


United States

About Us

The Permawick Company is an ISO9001 certified manufacturer of premium specialty lubricants, fluid reservoir material and specialty lubrication systems. The Permawick Company is privately owned and has been in operation since 1956. Corporate headquarters are in Detroit Michigan with manufacturing facilities in Michigan, Indiana and Japan.

Permawick supports it's customers with an in house staff of sales professionals, engineers and chemists. We also employ a network of international agents. Warehouse distribution facilities are located in Japan, China, Brazil, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, India, the Philippines and Italy.

Permawick recently completed construction of a new manufacturing facility in Columbus Indiana. There we incorporate state-of-the-art equipment and controls for our manufactured products. The facility also designs, prototypes and tests our lubrication and reservoir products.

All Permawick products and systems are custom designed for long life and superior performance in a wide range of applications. Permawick's research and development engineers are constantly designing and testing new products for existing applications as well as support for new technologies and lubrication / reservoir needs around the world.

As a service to our customers, Permawick also provides injection mechanisms and equipment to help inject the precise amount of material needed for customers applications. Our injection machines can also be designed to assemble related parts and can be integrated into assembly lines for high volume injecting.

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Business type

  • PermaWick
  • PermaGel
  • PermaOil
  • Bearings

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Export ********
  • icone de telefone +1 248********
  • map-marker Bingham Farms / MI | United States

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