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Pesqueira Maguary

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2012



About Us

Pesqueira Maguary is a company specialized in the production, processing and marketing of fish and seafood 50\% destined for export. It has as its brand name to Empesca Brand.

The Empesca Brand, key brand of Pesqueira Maguary consolidated more than 30 years in local and foreign market focuses on the current marketing of fish and seafood. The company has a strong presence in the production, sale and import of raw materials for processing in its plants and marketing.

The entire production process is controlled by the Pesqueira Maguary quality system HACCP. worldwide standard of hygiene in industrial environments in the fishing sector, a fundamental requirement for exporting products.

The company has more than 60 vessels and 1,500 direct customers to assist in the development of their activities, making these one of the leading brands in the segment.

The company was initially designed as an exporter, with a focus on its own production of fish and seafood. Over the past 05 years the Pesqueira Maguary designed to operate in the domestic market. Currently, the Pesqueira Maguary maintains three manufacturing units.



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Pesqueira Maguary

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Business type

  • fisheries
  • fishery
  • fishing
  • lobster
  • shrimp
  • seafood
  • fish
  • pesqueira maguary
  • maguary
  • empesca brand
  • empesca
  • Ver Mais

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Gilson ********
  • icone de telefone +55 11********
  • map-marker CAMOCIM / CE | Brazil

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