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Pinheiro Nunes

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Since 2013



About Us

Pinheiro, Nunes, Arnaud E Scatamburlo Advogados is an office that renders services in various fields of law, with specialization in intellectual property

Our office acts primarily in the orientation and counseling of our clients, by indicating the best way to protect and defend their rights and interests, in a preventive and less grave manner.

We highlight below a few quotes of recognition of the firm’s services:

Since the 1st edition of the magazine "Análise Advocacia", Pinheiro, Nunes has been indicated as one of the most admired law firms in the field of Intellectual Property Law, and in the 2013 edition it was no different. The survey of most admired law firms in Brazil is made based on the opinion of the legal directors of the largest companies in the country, as the magazine reports.

Pinheiro, Nunes was cited, in the survey conducted by the magazine, as one of the Brazilian firms that measure up to the challenges imposed by the increment of businesses in Brazil, having indicated attorneys from Pinheiro, Nunes as being exceptional.



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Pinheiro Nunes

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Business type

  • services in various areas of law
  • intellectual property

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Claudio ********
  • icone de telefone +55 11********
  • map-marker SAO PAULO / SP | Brazil

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