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Active Offer Since: 29/07/2019

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Dear Lady Elaine Lima, I have respectfully come to present the company VALILU SERVICES OF FOOD ENGINEERING to be part of the register of service providers of its renowned company. VALILU provides expertise,...

Dear Lady Elaine Lima, I have respectfully come to present the company VALILU SERVICES OF FOOD ENGINEERING to be part of the register of service providers of its renowned company. VALILU provides expertise, consultancy and advisory services for food companies. * EXPERTISE Technical advisory-Judicial assistant for preparation of technical report. • ADEQUACY OF MENUS WITH PAT Menus with parameters of the worker Feeding Program (PAT) * DIAGNOSTIC SURVEY Verification of conformity and non-conformity in the establishments of the food industry, both industrial and commercial, with the provision of corrective or preventive measures relevant to the activities developed; * QUALITY CONTROL Management and implementation of quality control programs (HACCP, BPF, PIQ, POP); * WORK INSTRUCTIONS-IT'S Preparation in the routine of the company with work instructions-IT's; * PERSONAL TRAINING "In loco" in establishments, facilitating the company's routine; * PRODUCTION PROCESS MANAGEMENT Supervision and quality control of the food product from the production of the raw material to the distribution of the finished product; * CONDUCTING AUDITS Technical visit with elaboration of technical reports; * PRODUCT REDESIGN Services relevant to the development or reformulation of processed foods. * CONSULTANCY AND ADVISORY In food engineering projects and at all stages of production. I put myself at your disposal to provide any further clarification, I subscribe with high esteem and consideration. I await the timely return of V.Sa. Bhu B Food Engineer-Admitstradora

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