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Açucar Guarani S/a

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2011



About Us

Guarani has as main activity the transformation of sugar cane into sugar, ethanol and electric power, currently carried out in eight industrial units: Severínia, Cruz Alta, São José, Andrade, Tanabi, Vertente (50\% of participation) and Mandu in Brazil and one in Mozambique, Africa.

It is the third largest sugarcane processor and also third sugar and ethanol producer in Brazil, with estimated crushing capacity of 20 million tons of sugarcane in the 2010/11 crop.

The Company is a member of the Sugarcane Technology Center – CTC and has agreements with the best and internationally renowned institutes and foundations of development and leading edge technology, such as UFSCAR, the Campinas Agronomic Institute – IAC, the Brazilian Agricultural Research Institute – Embrapa, the Biodynamic Institute and the Campinas Biological Institute – IBC.

The company is controlled by two leaders in their areas of expertise, Tereos Internacional and Petrobras Biocombustível. Tereos Internacional is controlled by the French Group Tereos, one of the major players in the global agribusiness.

Guarani is engaged on social projects with communities neighboring the industrial units. Guarani invests in projects to improve the productive process with the purpose of mitigating risks of environmental damage. It organizes environmental education projects.

Guarani plays an important role in the world’s sustainability. We have been contributing to the environment by producing ethanol. Learn more about this issue.



More about
Açucar Guarani S/a

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Business type

  • acucar sugar transformation of sugar cane into sugar
  • ethanol and electric power

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Ulysses ********
  • icone de telefone +55 17********
  • map-marker Olímpia / SP | Brazil

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