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Não Disponível

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2023



About Us

Founded by one of the generations of the Ballardin family and known in the textile category, Ballardin knitwear completed 50 years in June 2019. Edith Zanette Ballardin and Jaime Ballardin founded the company in 1969 in one of the rooms of their residence to give structure to their daughters Iraci Ballardin and Patricia Ballardin. Knitting started with only two manual weaving machines and was registered in 1971. On May 2, 1994, it began to be managed by Iraci in partnership with her husband Valcir Daniel. Since then it has grown and is in its third generation of successors. With a history based on a lot of faith and work, the company has been creating a strong structure and taking a bigger shape. In 2006, it started the reseller system, becoming very well known in the Serra Gaúcha region. In addition to already expanding throughout the country, it has expansion projects abroad.

Main Markets

  • South America
  • Western Europe



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Não Disponível

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Business type
  • Industry / Manufacturer

  • Meshes

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Adriele ********
  • icone de telefone +55 54********
  • map-marker Caxias do Sul / RS | Brazil

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