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B&b Comercial

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2013



About Us

Our company is headquartered in Santos / SP, work with products, machines emo finishing work in civil construction.

To better serve your company, we put at your disposal our team of sales staff and technicians samples, serving throughout Brazil.

Below and attached some products marketed:

The Mass Nesting Blocks and bricks deserves in our line as an innovative product in the market which ensures the builder, speed and agility in the construction of up to 40% reduction in costs compared to traditional mass cement, lime and sand, easy storage and SHELF LIFE OF 02 YEARS, with huge cost benefit to your company.
Other products.
Putty; Mortars, Paints Acrlicas, inteRNAs and external; Sealers, Waterproofing Additives; Textures;
Paintings Airless machines, eltricas and gasoline;
Applicators Mass Race / mortar / plaster / texture;
Sanders wall;
Mixing ink / textures / mortars;
Miter saws;
Sandpaper, and accessories;

Concrete plant MVEL, your company will depend on more concrete supplier, it will produce its own concrete in the construction site.

Mo of Work:
Paints and Finishes.
Drywall, divisrias and liners;
Monocapa External, included application of prdio with professionalsional enabled; application ready for mass nesting;

Projects My home, my life from the Federal Government, we work with hand labor for painting and finishing and material supply and maquinrio in various cities in Brazil;

Us to put at your disposal for further informaes and hope to formalize a good business partnership.

Main Markets

  • South America



More about
B&b Comercial

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500K - 1M

Sales volume (USD)

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Business type
  • Industry / Manufacturer

  • Hand labor
  • Outsourcing
  • Putty
  • Mortars
  • Acrylic Paints
  • Sealers
  • Waterproofing Additives
  • Textures
  • Machines Machines Paintings Airles
  • Applicators Mass Race
  • Mortars
  • Plastering
  • Texture
  • Sander
  • Ver Mais

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Aleixo ********
  • icone de telefone +55 13********
  • map-marker Santos / SP | Brazil

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