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Calçados Satryani

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2014



About Us

Satryani is a brand of luxury and impeccable refinement shoes and accessories. It has its own identity, combining their creations to the latest fashion trends by using different materials, noble leathers, unique prints with creative and contemporary lines.

Our company was established in 1992 developing and producing collections for major national and international brands. In 1999 was founded the brand Satryani designed for demanding and sophisticated women who appreciate fashion and lifestyle and are attentive to the last details of the fashion world.

The brand has 200 multi-specialty that sell their products in domestic and overseas market has outlets in: South Africa, Netherlands Antilles, Bolivia, Canada, Cyprus, United Arab Emirates, France, Greece, Malaysia, Malta, Martinique, Nigeria , Paraguay, Poland and Turkey.



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Calçados Satryani

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Business type

  • shoes
  • footwear
  • Leather footwear

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Mariana ********
  • icone de telefone +55 51********
  • map-marker Sapiranga / RS | Brazil

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