We are specialized in the sector of power semiconductors, operating in several market segments. We provide several components, such as: High – frequency Capacitor, protection capacitors , commutation of thyristor, diode, thyristor, Darlington’s transistors, IGBT\s transistors, integrated circuit, resistors, relay, breaking keys, thyristor sets , Three-phase bridge, Rectifier Bridge, GTO, static key.<br><br>More specifically, our main products include:<br><br> Diodes / Fast Diodes: The diode is an electronic component which has the property of being Semiconductor. That is: conducts the electrical current in one direction. The property that the diode have to turn the AC to DC, is called RECTIFIER. In this case, the diode, called a diode rectifier.<br><br> Thyristor / Fast Thyristor: The Thyristor is a semiconductor functionally different from diode, because even when the device is directly polarized it will not drive until happens the pulse. Instead of continually need something on the door (as in TBJs and MOSFETs), the tiristores are linked by a pulsed signal. For SCRs, the control signal is a pulse of current.<br><br> Fast Modules: Modules can act as a semiconductor in control of single and three-phase power with output current and voltage control, adjusting to Tq (speed of tiristor) or Trr (speed of the diode) needed. The modules are generally quick semiconductor compact.<br><br> Transistor: With the emergence of transistors Darligtons and IGBT, its use in static converters has been reducing gradually: Today the bipolar transistors only compete with the MOSFETs in applications with low power and voltages above 400 or 500V because of its lower cost. Anyway, it is important to know the device depending on the number of facilities still in operation that use it. Therefore, it is sometimes used to connect "Darlington" where HFE total increased at the expense of a lower speed of shutdown and greater drop voltage direct Vce(sat). The Darlington transistors that are built on a single semiconductor crystal are called Darlington monolithic.<br><br> Capacitor: A capacitor is a semiconductor used to store energy in the form potential, in electric fields. The capacitors have a lot of applications, in addition to serving as storage of energy. They are important elements in the electrical circuits of transmitters and receivers, radio and television.<br><br> Rectifier Bridge: It is a semiconductor widely used to feed the armor of small engines DC, feeding of excitation windings of electrical machines, loading of batteries and power of electronic circuits.<br><br> TBP\S: Transistors Bipolar Power (TBP) are semiconductors that enable the control of high current. Used for commutation of high-current load on a high speed.<br><br> Assemblies with Heat Sinks: Capitolio converter is a static electrical equipment intended for the control of the power of industrial processes that use heating through electrical resistance. The function is to allow the passage of electric energy at levels checked for heating. It can be used to control light (heat through infrared lamps), control of the tension on elements of induction heaters, gutters vibrating, inductive loads (processor with induction below 1.3 TESLA, etc.). It is not used to drive the electric motors.
- Diode Thyristor
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Capitolio Com. Rep. Imp. E Exp. Ltda
2M - 10M
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Business type
- semiconductors
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São Paulo / SP | Brazil