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Since 2013



About Us

The history of CONSILOS had beginning in December 1982, when its founder socio Jos Roberto Sartori with a lathe, a planer and a folder manual and some more tools, installed in a rented shack in the center the city of Cascavel, began to manufacture spare parts for equipment storage. The principal activity of the Company was making repairs silos, the company name: CONSILOS.

At this time the demand for services was very high, since j has been over ten years since the first silos and dryers were installed in the region and the time of use of the first j needed reforms. Besides the manufacture of parts, had to prestao of assembly and disassembly services, necessrios reforms of equipment. The service delivery has always beena strong point and differential CONSILOS market. The demand for services has grown thanks to promptness in attendance at the harvest period when equipment needed maintenance.
In the late 90 storage market showed signs of a great resume growth after many years without investment in the sector by economic problems and especially the lack of financing with rates acessveis.
It was the right time to leave behind the reforms and manutenes to and from the industrialization of equipment. In 2001, a few more machines were acquired and the company has a new address, now in the facilities prprias the BR 277.

Over the last ten years, the company has grown, new customers were won and reresult was appearing. The silos CONSILOS began to emerge in several producing regions of the Country. The market was gradually being conquered. In early equipments were installed on farms and small cereal. Today the equipment CONSILOS Esto important cooperatives and industries in the country.
The year 2008 also be recorded in the history of CONSILOS as the year that marked the second major shift in the Company. Realizing the need for diversification of activity due to instability that always marked agronegcio in Brazil, the board of CONSILOS directed their actions for the development of products in the areas of self-supporting towers for telecommunications and transmission of electric power, allied products used in distributionthe energy. Consolidated segments in the coming year and contribute to the strengthening of the brand CONSILOS INDUSTRIAL LTDA.



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Business type

  • freestanding towers for telecommunications
  • electric power transmission
  • power distribution

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Atendimento ********
  • icone de telefone +55 45********
  • map-marker CASCAVEL / PA | Brazil

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