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Coopslate Ltda

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2015



About Us

Created by the union of 10 companies in the industry and using modern techniques, maquinrio of emo-advanced technology of highly skilled, the COOPSLATE provides personalized service, high quality products and on-time delivery. The COOPSLATE est based Parrot municipality located in the region known as the province of Minas Gerais Ardsias the largest reserve geolgica world, currently known and explored, ardsias of high quality . Peculiarities as deposits accumulated open, horizontality plans partition (divide) and thickness of packages lavrveis enable us lower costs and higher productivity while respecting environmental standards. Aimed at environmental preservation, our permanent concern, the water needed production processes decantaoe reused after filtering. All these factors make ardsias COOPSLATE competitive worldwide, ensuring full satisfaction of our customers.



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Coopslate Ltda

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Business type
  • Industry / Manufacturer
  • Importer / Trading Company

  • using modern techniques
  • emo advanced tehnology
  • provides personalized service
  • high quality products

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Alexandre ********
  • icone de telefone +55 31********
  • map-marker Belo Horizonte / AC | Brazil

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