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Ctc Com. Imp. E Exp. Ltda

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2011



About Us

The CTC Commerce is a member of foreign trade of China Trade Group, that was established in São Paulo on April 2002 the 2 countries.

Around Paulista Avenue, the company is formed for offices that reach the area of 6000m2 including area for fairs, expositions, seminaries and meetings. We have the complete infra-structure for your event.

We act in chemical products distribution, in construction materials, electronics equipments and machines purchase and sales, but we are in the constant search to develop other product and segments.

The CTC through the ministry of commerce of China and partnerships of our head-office, support the relationship between Chinese and Brazilians companies. Developing new business opportunities.

The CTC for its Chinese origin has expertise in the Asian market, offering consulting and representation service for Chinese and Brazilians customers.



More about
Ctc Com. Imp. E Exp. Ltda

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Business type

  • The CTC Commerce is a member of foreign trade of China Trade Group
  • authorized by Commerce Ministry of China with the main objective to promote the commercial interchange between Brazil and China. The CTC through the ministry of commerce of China and partnerships of our head-office
  • support the relationship between Chinese and Brazilians companies. Developing new business opportunities
  • chemical products distribution
  • in construction materials
  • electronics equipments and machines purchase and sales
  • but we are in the constant search to develop other product and segments.
  • Ver Mais

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Churry ********
  • icone de telefone +55 11********
  • map-marker São Paulo / SP | Brazil

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