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Edite Dantas Operadora De Turismo Ltda Me

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2013



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About Us

Edite Dantas Operadora de Turismo started its activities in 1999 by uniting the experience and expertise of its partners in the tourism sector and in services to large corporations and public entities. The result of this sum of forces is reflected in the knowledge of the needs of corporate clients and the most appropriate solutions for travel, set of benefits that materialize in services customized for each user profile - public or private - and in negotiations for effective optimization time and budget of their clients.

The company, which has offices in Rio de Janeiro (RJ) and in Natal (RJ), offers products and services ranging from domestic and international travel, lodging and transportation for individuals and groups, sets of customized solutions.
Much of the know-how from that operator within over 20 years of performance stems from its ability to service remote and willingness to monitor and adapt innovative products and services to effective day-to-day corporate environment.
Inserted in a market that increasingly agility and speed are required, Edite Dantas Operadora de Turismo keeps the front of the service its members, career professionals with high standards in customer service, which accumulate specializations as EMPRETEC, LEADER TRAINING, stamps that add differentiated value to each service.

In addition, partnerships are and advanced knowledge in specific services that allow you to meet with efficiency in cost savings through agreements with suppliers such as airlines, media accommodation, transport service providers and freelancers.

Based on the thesis that "serve with quality is to serve the customer in a personalized way," Edite Dantas Operadora de Turismo has commitment in providing full services to individuals and companies, from the combination of dedication, experience and availability for emergency care.

Whether by e-mail, VoIP (Skype), or by phone, the company provides attention day and night to their customers.



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Edite Dantas Operadora De Turismo Ltda Me

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Business type

  • Tourism
  • Airline tickets
  • hotels
  • rental vehicles
  • incentive groups
  • events
  • conferences
  • Ver Mais

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Erick ********
  • icone de telefone +55 21********
  • map-marker Natal / RN | Brazil

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