Impressions in which the most vivid images leap from the pages. <br><br>This is the obsession of Luiz Carlos Burti and this is what the delivery Burti. <br><br>Through the most advanced printing plant in Brazil, Burti is a center for printing services of international quality. High performance and accuracy of completion are registered trademarks in its services, which integrated with other units of Business Intelligence and Prepress, transcends the very concept of printing simple: provide solutions to real communication. <br><br>The graphic park of Burti is and international reference in print, with the ability to print up to 2,000 t. per month. <br><br>Burti also innovates in printing up to 10 special colors, with different finishes and materials such as polyester, polypropylene and PVC for promotional pieces. <br><br>Offset Printing (flat and rotary) <br><br> Premium color <br> Premium black <br> Print Hi-Fi <br> Silver high gloss <br> Removable paint <br> Paints term and photochromic <br> Textured varnish <br> Varnish with glitter <br> Felt paper <br> Lenticular <br> Metal parabolic <br> Opaque white <br> Graticule stochastic <br> Printing of mass raspável <br> Printing on polymers <br> Varnish with special pigments <br> Images using colored filters <br> Encoders
- Print Services
More about
Editora Gráficos Burti Ltda.
Sales volume (USD)
Not informed
Business type
- printing premidia logistics fulfillment
Contact and location
Leonardo ********
+55 11********
São Paulo / SP | Brazil