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Since 2022



About Us

Changing Lives from Systemic Integral Coaching. With headquarters in Fortaleza and nuclei in more than 40 cities in Brazil, including the USA and three other continents, Febracis has impacted more than 70 million people along its trajectory. The history of the institution begins in 1998, still as a Paulo Vieira Institute and only then becomes called Febracis, reinforcing the continuity of the commitment to serve its customers with respect and responsibility. Febracis' performance is highlighted in the market for transforming lives through Systemic Integral Coaching (CIS), a process that fits its reality, generating the best possibilities and strategies to conquer an abundant lifestyle. For more than 20 years, the president of Febracis, Master Coach and PhD in Business Administration by Florida Christian University (FCU), Paulo Vieira, has been improving the methodology of Systemic Integral Coaching, created and developed by him. Paulo Vieira is one of the most respected coaches in Brazil, with more than 10,800 hours in individual coaching sessions. The CIS® differs from traditional coaching by working in an integral way the reason and emotion, enabling to obtain high personal and professional performance without compromising any area of life. Health, family, conjugal, financial, social, among other areas, are worked on in the process.

Main Markets

  • Africa
  • Eastern Europe
  • North America
  • South America
  • Western Europe



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2M - 10M

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Business type
  • Other

  • Systemic Integral Coaching.

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Paulo ********
  • icone de telefone +55 11********
  • map-marker Barueri / SP | Brazil

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