GMY founded in 1996. Initially focused on manufacturing on workplace knee pads, GMY had been supplying to various expansion projects and other industrial plants in the State of America. Over the years GMY incorporated other product lines from the head to toe to offer the most perfect and fullest product. We have always provided a personalized service and efficient ` just in time` logistics to our customers.
We are currently a suppliers of PPE segment both in Taiwan and China. Competitive prices, finding the best options to meet what the market demands, highly qualified and experienced staff always ready to serve you better are some of the key points that have taken us to a position of “preferred supplier” in our state. GMY has extended this high standard of service to other country including Europe and Canada.
Our goal is to enhance worker safety, improve productivity and create success in both the workplace and the market place. Your business is important to us and our new website will provide you with news about safety products and services, if you have any inquiries or questions feel free to contact us and let us know your requirements.