Pasted valve Multiwall paper sacks are made from natural and extensible sack kraft paper, coated with polyethylene film (PE); its major property is resistance while handled that provides optimal protection for product while stored.<br><br>Types of Sacks: The product features and how the sack is filled, stored and distributed determine the model that best suits its application. Today’s models are:<br>a) Pasted Valve Stepped end (PVSE) : Designed for high-speed automatic, manual, rotating and In line Packing Machines. Filling is through spouts and valves close with the product pressure during filling process. It is suitable for storing in pallets and auto-pack. It is especially recommended for packaging cement, lime, mortar and ore.<br><br>b) Open mouth with glued bottom: No special filling machine is required, and a plastic bag can be inserted inside it. However, it is not suitable for palletizing since mouth is sewn after filling. It is especially recommended as repackaging and for seeds, meals, amide, ore and thermoplastic.<br><br>Sack specification: Specifications are determined by product characteristics, filling procedures and sack storage and handling conditions. The number of plies may vary from 1 to 4, with 60 to 120 g/m². For some specific products, another ply with Polyethylene film coating is included, providing better product protection.<br><br>Printing features: With flexographic technology, we meet printing design and quality, for up to 4-color layouts, according to client’s needs.<br><br>Shipping packaging model: Counting on a variety of shipping models:<br>• Palletized;<br>• Bales of 50 - 100 or 150 fastened;<br>• Bales of 50 - 100 or 150 folded and fastened;<br><br>Market The paper multiwall paper sacks are used today for packaging a large number of products, from 20kg to 50kg, designed for domestic and foreign markets in a variety of models.<br><br>Among them:<br>Building material:<br>• Cement<br>• Lime<br>• Mortar<br><br>Human and animal food<br>• Sugar <br>• Flour<br>• Rice<br>• Animal feed<br><br>Chemicals<br>• Carbonates<br>• Compounds<br>• Limestone<br>• Thermoplastic Industrial Products<br>• Plastic resin<br><br>Other markets<br>• Seeds<br>
- Multiwall Paper Sacks
Production Capacity:
18,000,000 units/month
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Iguaçu Celulose, Papel S.a.
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- pulp paper cellulose celulose cardboard multiwall paper sacks
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