We provide fraud detection services via the technical report of all individual candidates, ensuring the authenticity of the selection process.<br> <br>The service includes:<br> Training for the correct application of the system;<br> Technical supervision during the process;<br> Issuance of reports made by legally recognized experts;<br> Examination grafotécnico for special cases.<br><br>Step by Step System<br> The prints are collected during the tests.<br> The collection is carried out by the evidence of tax, previously trained by the team IMPRESS ®.<br> The collector has IMPRESS ® technology and uses special ink that facilitates the collection, does not smudge and does not remain in the fingers, allowing the digital precision of details, which are printed in their own answer sheets of the evidence.<br> In a second step, the fingerprints are collected only from the candidates, called rebuttal.<br> In the last step, the IMPRESS ® is grafotécnica or fingerprint expertise, then sending the reports attest to the identity of candidates
- fraud detection services selection process
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Impress Captação Impressão Digital Importadora Exportadora Ltda.
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- fraud detection selection process employees human resources
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Silvio ********
+55 11********
São Paulo / SP | Brazil