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Micapel - Mineração Capao Das Pedras Ltda

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2008



About Us

From humble beginnings to one of the major slate quarriers and fabricators in Brazil. Located in Pompeu, State of Minas Gerais, right in the middle of the largest slate reserves in the world

It all started in 1988 as a small company - with just one hand-dug slate quarry, one wheel-saw, and 5 partners and 5 employees. We had, however, two invaluable assets from the very beginning - our own deposits, and, above all, a compulsive drive for hard work.

Then, we began to grow.

First of all, we focused on the domestic market.

Next, we opened new quarries, we built new fabricating facilities, we got new machines. And we worked as hard as ever.

In 1998, we branched off to international markets. We established an International Division in Belo Horizonte, the capital city of the State of Minas Gerais, to better serve our international clients.

Our expansion gathered momentum. We began acquiring new quarries Early in the year 2000, we completed the expansion of our fabrication facilities, equipped them with high-tech machinery, and adopted new production techniques.

Late in the year 2000, we moved to our new Administration Building, designed and provided with state-of-the-art electronic data processing and communications equipment to insure the best possible service to our clients worldwide.

Our sure-footed, well-balanced, and well-managed expansion project continued in the beginning of 2001 with the acquisition of new slate quarries and plants. In mid-2001, we acquired yet another slate quarry.

In 2002, MICAPEL’s efforts were directed towards the improvement of its managerial and organizational structure. The main goals were achieved. In 2003, efforts will be zeroed in on the consolidation of such areas as administration, quality control and internal, external communications, prospecting and development, in order to achieve efficacy, efficiency and consistency in production and business expansion.

Today, from our currently known slate reserves, thousand of metric tons of slate products are quarried, fabricated and exported monthly, worldwide.

Further to our initial two assets – namely, own quarries and compulsive hard work – we have succeeded in adding three more major assets: own manufacturing plants, repute and trust of our clients, and own capital.

And we hope to grow some more. And improve our quality. And provide better services. Our entrepreneurial concept of growth is not limited to industrial and financial assets. We care very much for our Human Resources. We do a lot to be of assistance to our community.

Main Markets

  • North America
  • Western Europe



More about
Micapel - Mineração Capao Das Pedras Ltda

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Business type
  • Industry / Manufacturer


Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Carla ********
  • icone de telefone +55 37********
  • map-marker Pompéu / MG | Brazil

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