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Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2020



About Us

Do you want to open a Panama company? Below are important points that I can help with: 1. I already know the country and culture like a native 2. I learned to start, enter the market, and operate two companies in Panama (administration, accounting, human resources, commercial, cleaning, furniture, all functions) 3. I work directly with Caixa do Seguro Social, Ministry of Labour, Ministry of Economy and Finance and I am open to government 4. Own office to receive Brazilian entrepreneurs in Panama. 5. I am responsible for picking up at the airport and transferring the entrepreneur in the country 6. I have a good accountant and lawyer that I can pass on to the entrepreneur to start his company 7. With our recruitment and selection company, which thanks to God and the good work is already one of the best in the country, we can hire the collaborators that the Brazilian entrepreneur needs to start his operation 8. I can also advise you with the rent/buy of an office, with the best cost benefit in the ideal place for the type of business of the entrepreneur 9. And what the entrepreneur needs to research here before coming, I go after the information to deliver

Main Markets

  • South America



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Business type
  • Business Service

  • Business
  • Investment
  • Company

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Sergio ********
  • icone de telefone +507 ********
  • map-marker Panama / PA | Panama

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