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Produto Ùtil

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2019



About Us

"Activity-CNAES....: Main activity: 47.51-2-01-retail specialized retailer of computer equipment and supplies Secondary activities Secondary activity: 62.09-1-00-technical support, maintenance and other information technology services Secondary activity: 62.03-1-00-development and licensing of non-customizable computer programs Secondary activity: 62.01-5-01-Development of custom computer programs Secondary activity: 63.11-9-00-Data processing, application service providers and Internet hosting services Secondary activity: 63.19-4-00-portals, content providers and other information services on the Internet Secondary activity: 95.11-8-00-repair and maintenance of computers and peripheral equipment Secondary activity: 47.52-1-00-specialized retail trade in telephony and communication equipment Secondary activity: 95.12-6-00-repair and maintenance of communication equipment Secondary activity: 95.21-5-00-Repair and maintenance of electro-electronic equipment for personal and household use Secondary activity: 46.65-6-00-wholesale of machinery and equipment for commercial use; Parts and Parts Secondary activity: 33.14-7-10-maintenance and repair of machinery and equipment for general use not previously specified "

Main Markets

  • North America
  • South America
  • Western Europe



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Produto Ùtil

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0 - 100K

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Business type
  • Business Service
  • Distributor / Wholesaler

  • information technology

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Produto ********
  • icone de telefone +55 41********
  • map-marker Pinhais / PA | Brazil

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