In 1955, began the story of Superbom Supermarket network. In the city of Borebi, São Paulo, the Fernandes family opened the doors of São Luiz Warehouse. The mission: to provide quality, variety, innovation and products at fair prices.
Hard work, effort and dedication. Looking ahead, the Fernandes invested in growth and decided to raise new expectations. In 1982, they created the Superbom Supermarkets and focused on a big goal: to promote customer satisfaction.
With the purchase of a shop in the neighborhood Araruna in Bauru, changed the matrix of the network to Superbom bauruenses land and began to trace a path of conquest. In 2003, won another store, large, comfortable and completely installed in St Gerard Park. Superbom Supermarkets is already a reference in the industry, always seeking sustainable growth and strong engagement with their customers.
In 2011, Superbom further strengthens its activities and its success story in Bauru. The acquisition and opening of Superbom Premium Store, next to the residential Camelias, fulfilled a lifelong dream, to create a complete and fashionable supermarket that meets demanding and quality conscious guests.