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White Solder Metalurgia E Mineração Ltda.

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2012



About Us

In the White Solder Group companies, the verb to grow is conjugated on a daily basis from the start. For generations, the construction of the principles and the business vision has been guided by values and humanist ideals that inspire the redefinition of frontiers of sound and bold projects.

Since the first company was founded, the Group has understood the importance of believing, daring, establishing relations of quality, highly competent performance, long term vision and confidence in the country’s economy.

Successive investments and a deep knowledge of the specific market needs, in 2001 comes on line the White Solder - Amazon Unit – for solders and Tin-based alloys, focused on the electronics market in Manaus.

With the Group growth, ore control became necessary to avoid a portion of this structure from becoming deficient. In 2005 a cassiterite production plant had been set up - Mineração Ponte Alta, whose specific function was to supply White Solder Rondônia casting.

The Tin chain was completed, with its units consolidated and strictly abiding by the ISO 9001 Certification standards as well as by many others of specific sectors relative to the automobile, chemical, food markets, among others.



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White Solder Metalurgia E Mineração Ltda.

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Business type

  • White Solder Metalurgia e Mineração Ltda.
  • tin
  • construction
  • solders
  • tin-based alloys
  • electronic market
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Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Estela ********
  • icone de telefone +55 69********
  • map-marker RIBEIRAO PRETO / SP | Brazil

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